It is amazing and refreshing, all at the same time, to know that we have crossed over into yet another great opportunity to become better than we were last year. While shopping for loved ones and giving thanks for friendships over the holidays. I was pondering on the fact that most people spend countless hours making others look great. But the mere thought of adding a new body scrub, moisturizer, or maybe a lip polisher may not be on that famed to do list this year. I am finding that sometimes it can be so easy to forget about doing for yourself! And because this season has to begin with us, we have to choose to incorporate things that are doable so that when we are often rushed, we still find time to do it.
So in January of 2013, I am still encouraging you to dedicate some time to making your skin supple, vibrant, fresh, and soft. Increase your detoxification with sea salt and replenish your shell with EVOO. Hydrate your skin so that you are not suffocating this year. Add in great greens, vibrant deep berries, and colorful veggies. And you will be on your way to being happier in your own skin. This process of exfoliating, moisturizing, and replenishing never ends. When you fall off of your routine remember that you make your regimen and it is completely forgiving. Trust me I know! When you neglect or forget, just start again. It's just that simple. Happy New year and Be well everyone!