Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Juneteenth 2013

On Saturday, June 16th
I was featured in Brooklyn's health awareness day. I enjoyed sharing time and space with like minded business owners such as Brian Mckoy of Know Yourself Radio, Nay Grant of Grant me Grace catering, stylist Kendra Coston, professional makeup artist Tifini Lewis and countless others.  Every vendor added their own sense of well being to our community celebration as well as support for their fellows. And overall I believe we helped encourage others to be better and make better choices. Yay......!
 with Mr. Know Yourself Radio himself
Brian McKoy

Taking dose of my own medicine.

Greetings All! I wanted to share my brief testimony. A couple of months ago I had to take a muscle relaxer for my chronic back pain. While administering the medicine I was struck with a terrible, terrible breakout! It was spreading like wild fire across my cheeks and chin. Tiny little papules filled with hardened sebum. (bumps with hard oil) I must say that I was really upset and didn't want to take the time to let nature take its course. I was aggravated about the side effects. I found myself drawn to tears from the hyperpigmentation and inflammation scarring my face. But then I convinced myself to take a dose of my own medicine. I started increasing my water intake. I used the lemon basil morning scrub gently in the morning and at night. Also I applied aloe vera directly to my face every night and slept with it on. And to my surprise, four weeks later I am "all better!" I had to share this because I really believe in being transparent. I hope this encourages someone to be proactive with their skin.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Sharing results and comments with Nytahya Malone

I had to share the excitement of yet another satisfied client, Miss Nytahya Malone. Before trying Austins Skincare Nytahya complained of itchy, dry, scaly skin during the winter. The lack of moisture she experienced drew her to a frenzy thus in search for a product that would give her a gentle exfoliation, and a sheer sheen of moisture. Here is what she had to say after using one of Austin's scrubs.

" I am so grateful for Austins Skincare lemon basil morning scrub. It was easy to use and it smelled like a fresh burst of sunshine every time I opened it. It made my skin feel like I had spent hundreds of dollars at the spa. The scrub leaves my skin feeling soft and smooth. My mornings are not the same with this scrub!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Sharing results and comments with Nyisha Holliday of Holliday Sweets

      I am so elated that my dear friend Nyisha Holliday of Holliday Sweets wanted to share her experience on using "Austins lemon basil morning scrub."


Nyisha was concerned with oily acneous skin. I instructed her to gently use the scrub every other day. I explained that the combination of lemon and basil worked great together as an antibacterial agent for her routine and would also stimulate blood circulation. Plus the scent of lemons was invigorating and is a quick fix for those dull moments. The sea salt in the scrub removed daily toxins and unclogged the pores so that her skin was left with a clean surface. Nyisha also mentioned that she loved the how her face and body felt after using the body scrub. Yay! Thanks for Nyisha for your support!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Happy New Year from Austins Skincare!!

It is amazing and refreshing, all at the same time, to know that we have crossed over into yet another great opportunity to become better than we were last year. While shopping for loved ones and giving thanks for friendships over the holidays. I was pondering on the fact that most people spend countless hours making others look great. But the mere thought of adding a new body scrub, moisturizer, or maybe a lip polisher may not be on that famed to do list this year. I am finding that sometimes it can be so easy to forget about doing for yourself! And because this season has to begin with us, we have to choose to incorporate things that are doable so that when we are often rushed, we still find time to do it.

So in January of 2013, I am still encouraging you to dedicate some time to making your skin supple, vibrant, fresh, and soft. Increase your detoxification with sea salt and replenish your shell with EVOO. Hydrate your skin so that you are not suffocating this year. Add in great greens, vibrant deep berries, and colorful veggies. And you will be on your way to being happier in your own skin. This process of exfoliating, moisturizing, and replenishing never ends. When you fall off of your routine remember that you make your regimen and it is completely forgiving. Trust me I know! When you neglect or forget, just start again. It's just that simple. Happy New year and Be well everyone!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Keep doing it!

As a follow up to my sea salt and olive oil blog. It is important to note that we do not stop nourishing our skin. Never! Ever, Ever! I say this because too many times we begin something and then after a couple of days or so the thrill, the feeling, the excitement is gone. This simply can not be when we are talking about our enclosure. Our skin is the largest organ on the body. Our skin protects us from the outside elements and acts as a filter for what you have going on inside of your body also. Our covering releases everything we consume. For example, have you ever went to your mom and said "man.....Mom look at my face, i think i'm breaking out!" Usually Moms response is "oh yeah, you are breaking out. What did you eat?" It's just that simple. A lot of times the good, the bad, and the ugly shows up and through your skin. So of course having great skin is all about what your putting in your body and what your putting on topically. But I am finding that both of these great to do's begin with regimen. The sea salt and olive oils role is to promote affordable maintenance for the average person and most fabulous! These two star ingredients are doable if with commit to doing them. I have had a couple of testimonies already from my last post and I am very exited to keep sharing "skin That glows".

Monday, October 15, 2012

Skin that Glows

This one is for the ladies!
We all know that sea salt tastes good, but did you know that it feels good as an exfoliant as well? First things first, let's start with Sea Salt and Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Using Fine sea salt not only brushes dead skin away but it diminishes the appearance of dry, cracked, and clogged pores. Which is why most body scrubs have some type of salt in them for detoxifying purposes. This helps to rid the skin of unwanted grime. Here is why Sea Salt is such a favorite among women around the world. It is an affordable way to create "Skin that Glows" in a realistic time frame. We're talking in a week you start to see improvements in the way your skin feels and looks chicas! 
To begin using sea salt is easier than you think. Your regimen begins while in the shower. Gently caressing your skin in hopes of unveiling a smoother more healthy you, makes your cleansing time a brilliant experience. 
First step after you cleanse your body, start with a tablespoon of salt in the palm of your hands. Using a circular motion, apply the salt moving up one foot at a time towards the ankle, up to the lower part of the leg, and continue upward until you are finished giving your whole body a much need spa treatment from foot to shoulders. Remembering to apply more salt as you go along is key. Please note that when using sea salt you need to avoid parts of you that are most treasured be smart about your genital area Ladies. 

Secondly, because Sea Salt can have drying effects if not addressed with moisturizer immediately after use we have to combat this with Extra Virgin Olive Oil. After drying off from your bath the next thing you should reach for is EVOO. EVOO should be applied the same as the sea salt except only use a few drops at a time because a little goes a long way. The goal is to go to bed moisturized, not greasy. Not only does EVOO leave you feeling soft and golden. It is packed with super antioxidants, vitamins and minerals such as A, B1, B2, C, D, E and K to name a few. Try these simple at home spa treatments to experience "Your Skin that Glows!"